9×12 watercolor 140lb contains Life Drawings by Cie Ja on 140lb. watercolor paper of various life models from fine art course work and independent study at SDAI in Balboa Park at the Museum of the Living Artist. This notebook was started for my ARTF210C course work for the spring semester of 2015 at San Diego Mesa College. This notebook still contains empty pages and a few abstracts now shown in preparation for more figurative work. Updates are posted as soon as they become available.
9×12 watercolor 140lb

This next image replaces the previous one. The image above was wiped out in a mono printing attempt. It has been drawn again on top of the previous one shown below.

The following image has been removed and was framed. The image of Ginger from ARTF210C was selected for the San Diego Mesa College Spring 2015 Student Show by Georgia Laris.

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